
【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】第二届“北京国际范儿”短视频大赛启动将面向全市征集短视频作品

covsun 2022-09-23 10:35:54 行业动态 117 0



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】第二届“北京国际范儿”短视频大赛启动将面向全市征集短视频作品  第1张

The 2nd "Beijing- a Global City" Short Video Contest is ongoing and will run until October 20. The event aims to display Beijings achievements in promoting the construction of the international communication center in a multi-faceted and multi-dimensional way, and promote the international image of the city. The Contest plans to collect 2-minute videos from organizations, residents and foreign nationals working or residing in the city.

第二届“北京·国际范儿”短视频大赛近日正式启动, 征集工作持续至今年10月20日。北京·国际范儿短视频大赛旨在多面、多元、多维展示北京推进国际交往中心功能建设成就,真实、立体、全面推广北京城市国际形象。本届大赛主要面向全体北京市民,在京工作、生活的外籍友人和在京机构征集时长2分钟左右的视频短片,个人和集体均可报名参加。



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】第二届“北京国际范儿”短视频大赛启动将面向全市征集短视频作品  第2张

The Supply Chain and Business Services Exhibition, part of this year’s China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), will take place in Shougang Park from September 1st to the 5th. Covering an area of 6,600 square meters, the exhibition focuses on legal services, express delivery and supply chain transportation services among others. 120 renowned law firms, leading asset appraisal institutions, domestic and foreign large commercial enterprises will participate online and offline.



百余家国内外金融机构展实力 “秀”亮点

Over 130 financial institutions, international organizations and fin-tech enterprises from China and abroad will participate in the financial services exhibition at the upcoming 2022 CIFTIS. Fengtai District’s People’s Government and the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will cooperate with different banks and tech enterprises to showcase applications of the digital RMB. JD Technology will present a series of new scenarios of innovative exploration in the digital RMB in an interactive and immersive way. More than 50 representative institutions of 15 leading financial and innovation centers, from over 20 countries and regions, will join the Joint International Finance Center and Innovation Center Exhibition.




The VR and Metaverse final of the 2022 Zhongguancun International Frontier Science and Technology Innovation Contest ended in the Shougang Park recently. 10 key and core technology enterprises were listed as Top 10 in this field. Focusing on the emerging industrial fields such as VR, science fiction and Metaverse, Zhongguancun Shijingshan Sceince Park launched a batch of high-quality application scenarios, built a group of industrial innovation platforms, and cultivated many internationally influential enterprises. The park has accelerated the formation of an internationally competitive industrial cluster with technological dominance in the district.


丰台将对接全球优质资源 擦亮产业金名片


During this years CIFTIS, Beijing’s Fengtai District will present various achievements during the "Beijing Themed Day", financial services and culture and tourism services exhibitions. It will hold themed activities and support enterprises participating in online and offline exhibitions. This September marks the 2nd anniversary of the construction of the "Two Zones". Focusing on sci-tech innovation, digital finance, and the opening-up, the district has formed 20 institutional innovation practices.



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】第二届“北京国际范儿”短视频大赛启动将面向全市征集短视频作品  第3张

Films of Portugal, part of the 2022 International Film Screening of China National Film Museum, will be held from August 26 to September 11. 7 Portuguese films including the Green Years, Sadness and Joy in the Life of Giraffes, and Our Beloved Month of August will be screened.



An action plan for the innovation and development of Metaverse in Beijing’s Sub-center from 2022 to 2024 was issued recently. In three years time, the Sub-center plans to become a Metaverse application demonstration area featuring culture and tourism. It will cultivate and introduce over 100 Metaverse ecological chain enterprises, and complete over 30 Metaverse related application scenarios. Relying on key areas such as Zhangjiawan Design Town and Taihu Performing Arts Town, the Sub-center will create a Metaverse Theme Park and develop a scenario integrating Metaverse, culture and tourism



【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】第二届“北京国际范儿”短视频大赛启动将面向全市征集短视频作品  第4张

A culture and tourism exchange event in Beijing’s Tongzhou district, Tianjin‘s Wuqing district and Hebei’s Langfang city will start on August 26 and run until mid-September.Interactive exchange activities showcasing the culture of the Grand Canal, intangible cultural heritage, food and other cultural and tourism elements will be held.




10 horticultural enterprises and research institutes signed cooperation agreements with Zhongguancun Yanqing Park on Wednesday (August 24). So far, the Park has introduced over 260 horticultural enterprises and cooperated with more than 10 research institutes. After a number of horticultural industry projects and enterprises will settle in Yanqing, they will play a leading role in the research and development of new varieties, holding exhibitions and trade shows.



来源:人民网 北京日报 北京青年报 北京新闻广播

《感受北京 Touch Beijing》


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